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  • A novel ruthenium(ii) complex for two-photon absorption-based optical power limiting in the near-IR range
    M. Four, D. Riehl, O. Mongin, M. Blanchard-Desce, L.M. Lawson Daku, J. Moreau, J. Chauvin, J.A. Delaire and G. Lemercier
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (38) (2011), p17304-17312
    DOI:10.1039/c1cp21661a | unige:17238 | Abstract | Article HTML | Article PDF
In this article, the synthesis of a novel high-conjugated ligand and its corresponding Ru(II) complex PTFTF:Ru is reported, along with the linear and nonlinear optical characterizations. Two-photon absorption based optical power limiting properties (OPL), especially in the near infrared, are described and compared to those of the analogous complexes previously published. Combined with a preliminary theoretical approach, this allows us to highlight several key parameters for OPL optimization in such molecular systems and more particularly the spectral overlap between TPA and excited-state absorption.


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Last update Friday December 08 2017